Synthesis and analysis in a first-class laboratory

Scyll’Agro disposes of the most modern equipment to develop all of its projects in-house.


Prospective synthesis of pheromones

Optimization of synthetic routes

Purification/ liquid chromato distillation

Custom formulation

Study of the release of the active ingredient over time


Monitoring of synthesis processes

Control of finished products

Formulation development follow-up

Determination of kairomones for the study of Volatile Organic

Compounds Studies of emissions in a climatic chamber

Industrial production of pheromones

Our pilot, multi-step chemistry unit allows for the manufacturing of pheromone batches from the sample size to the industrial production.

Industrial engineering of pheromones

Our engineering unit allows for the formulation and engineering via hydro-alcoholic gel and the hot bagging with variable conformation on metalloplastic film.
Our signature product: COSMOPLUS is formulated with 150 mg of sordidine on gel.




+33 (0)5 59 31 13 86

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Parc d’Activités Sud Landes – Les Lannes 639 Rue Sud Landes 40300 Hastingues

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